Some call it the Code of Conduct
We call it respektive1's rules of the game
Our self-image
As a sustainably operating agency, values are always important to us. It goes without saying that we not only want to provide adequate income for ourselves with our work, but also to have a positive impact on the environment and society. Our actions are based on this premise.
We are aware of our impact
All our actions have an impact on the environment, on people and on the economy. We therefore try to consider the effects on the environment and on social and economic concerns in our projects and to make them as sustainable or even regenerative as possible. When developing campaigns for our customers, we always include sustainability aspects in consulting, creation and media distribution.
We don't stand still
We want to make advertising better. And we want to do this as well as we can. That is why we always aim to develop further. The status quo remains a snapshot.
We are reliable
We do not see timings or tasks as non-binding recommendations. When we take on a task and/or role, we take responsibility for it.
We are transparent
We value a transparent corporate culture. Apart from private or personal matters, or things that are confidential for a good reason, we disclose everything and use private chat groups only for things that really don't concern anyone or that would only disturb the others.
We have a feedback culture
We are direct, but we always remain fair and friendly. It is important to us that we continue to improve and set the bar a bit higher. However, we always communicate the requirements openly and give others the opportunity (time and resources) to meet them. If there are (interpersonal) challenges or tensions, we address them openly. If we do not want to raise them directly with our supervisors or the relevant colleagues, we will contact Friederike. If we feel that there is no safe space to talk about the problem, we get help from others (for example through our Employee Assistance Program).
We have flexible working hours
From 00:00 to 24:00. But this does not mean "from - to", it means at some point in between. In principle, it doesn't matter to us when we work. But we make sure that our working hours do not make life difficult for others. Things usually happen between 09:00 and 18:00 on weekdays. Therefore, try to stick to a roughly normal pattern when it comes to contacting colleagues or the team. In other words, please do not call customers or colleagues at 3 o'clock in the morning. Unless, of course, you've agreed that beforehand. No one expects us to work through evenings or weekends. When we work overtime, it is paid.
We treat people on equal footing
We always behave in a respectful, professional and friendly manner. We listen to others. Really. And hear them out. We use a polite tone, do not escalate the situation and do not always act impulsively. Instead, we first take a deep breath. Even and especially in challenging situations. We do not accept insults, harassment or exclusionary behaviour. These include threats of violence, use of discriminatory language, personal insults — particularly when using racist or sexist terms — as well as unwanted sexual attention or encouraging other people to engage in one of the above behaviours. This applies to our dealings with our colleagues, but also with customers, partners, suppliers and other people who deal with us.
We communicate openly
Communication is important to us. At work and off the job. We do onboarding with all our employees. If you are not told something, feel that you have gaps in knowledge about us or — even later — have additional questions, please contact us. Anytime. We have a coffee kitchen — online — almost every Monday at 9:30 a.m. — where we discuss our projects. The core team takes part in this. However, the coffee kitchen is also open to all other employees who are interested, if they have the time and resources.
We don't work until we drop
Our health and wellbeing are important to us. We always take the time we need for ourselves. Only if we also take care of ourselves can we live up to our sustainable standards. If we find that we need a break, we let the others know. If necessary, even at short notice.